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What should I do if I hit a deer with my car?

Never try to pick up an injured deer without expert help. The main aim is to try to keep the animal calm until help arrives. Cover its head with a blanket or coat, keeping well away from antlers and hooves, both of which can inflict a serious injury. Go to the Road Traffic Accident page.

I think that a deer has got stuck in my garden!

It's probably very unlikely - if it got in it can almost certainly get out again. A deer can easily jump a 3 metre fence and will usually find its way out when it gets bored.

However, there are occasions where we are called to builders yards etc. where a deer has strayed in and is genuinely trapped. If this is the case please contact us, or another rescue centre experienced at handling deer and ask for advice. Deer are very highly strung animals, do not try and herd it out without first seeking advice as it may spook and injure itself or you.

I have seen a fawn on its own - should I try to help?

If the fawn is lying down but with its head up and eyes bright and alert it has almost certainly just been left by its mother while she moves away to feed and should not be disturbed or picked up, unless in imminent danger from dogs or machinery. Do not stroke it or touch it in any way and make sure no dogs are allowed to approach it. If you are concerned that the fawn is orphaned you can watch from a distance, preferably by using binoculars, to see if the mother returns. Young deer are left alone for many hours at a time. If the mother does not return by dusk, call your local wildlife rescue for help and advice.

If the fawn is lying flat on its side, bleating repeatedly or has an obvious injury, contact your local Wildlife Rescue immediately.

If you have picked up a fawn mistakenly please act quickly to return it. Fawns can be successfully returned up to three days after being moved. Please contact an experienced rescue centre for advice.

I have found an adult deer trapped in a fence, what should I do?

Do not release it! Even if there are no visible injuries, the flesh may start to break down up to seven days later in a process called pressure necrosis. The deer may also be suffering from something called capture myopathy, which can cause muscle breakdown and lead to death. Cover the face of the deer with a blanket or a jumper to reduce its stress levels and stop it from thrashing. Call a rescue centre immediately.

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