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I've found a Leveret, what should I do?

Identification Alert - Is it a Hare or a Rabbit? Leverets are born with their eyes open and a fully furred body, they don't live in burrows but spend their whole lives above ground. Rabbits are born naked, blind and deaf and are well hidden in a nest chamber underground.

Hares leave their young alone for most of the day and usually only return to feed them at dusk. If you find a Leveret alone sitting in the grass please make sure it is definitely orphaned before picking it up. A healthy young Hare will be bright and alert and may hiss at you as a warning. It should be in good condition and not be in an obvious or dangerous location.

Unless it is in immediate danger or you have found dead siblings or parents then it is best to observe from a distance to see if an adult comes back to feed it.

If the Leveret is injured, or unresponsive and cold then it is in need of help. The first step you should take is to wrap it in a towel or a jumper and place it in a box. If you have a hot water bottle or wheat bag you can place this in the box as well. Don't attempt to give it anything to eat or drink without seeking further advice. Hares are very specialist animals to rear. You should seek out a rescue centre that has experience with Leverets, and preferably already has Leverets in its care (as they always do better with company).

I found an injured/ill adult Hare, what should I do?

Hares are extremely nervous and shy creatures and should not allow people to approach them. If you can walk right up to/touch an adult Hare then there is definitely something wrong with it.

If you have a suitable box then the best course of action is to very carefully lift the animal in a towel and place it in the box. Make sure that it is kept far away from any noise, animals and children. Hares are extremely highly strung animals and even if injured or ill may still make every attempt to escape. Make sure that the box is totally secure and call for help immediately.

If you find a hare caught in a fence or snare, cut it out but do not release it. The hare must be taken to a rescue centre to be monitored for at least a week in case of complications.

For further advice or information please contact us, or alternatively contact another rescue centre that has experience with Hares.

Registered Charity No. 1162849

Private Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered in England and Wales. Company No. 08815504

All Images © 1999 - 2024 Lauren Langley

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